Monday, November 8, 2010

African dwarf frog

African dwarf frog are aquatic frogs that come up to the suface to breath.
They only grow to two inches long and they can be very very dark gray to very very light gray.
they also have little black claws on their toes. And spots on their body and legs. they need a heater in their tank or they will die. they are tropical frogs. 
One of my frogs, Tomato

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Babies for free!

If you go to Petco and ask when fish usually come in and go when that is you might be lucky enough that Livebarer's (Molly, Guppy, Swordtail, Ect.) have had babies in the bag and they let you take the babies home. I have some balloon mollies right here. At the pet store balloon mollies are Four dollars and some change. So this was a GREAT deal!!
My Babies

Monday, November 1, 2010

Mouth Fungus

My sister has a black Moore goldfish that has mouth fungus and he is doing well. She has him on medication that she got from the local pet store. You know when your fish has mouth fungus when...
1. he stops eating
2. & he starts to have white patches on and around the mouth.

Bug Eyes my sister's black Moore with mouth fungus

A picture off the Internet of mouth fungus

Siamese fighting fish a.k.a Betta fish

The following are my brand new betta fish a.k.a Siamese fighting fish. Betta fish are great beginner's fish if known the primary care.
 1. know, DO NOT OVER FEED! feed your betta three to four times a week.
2. Clean your bowl once a week if not kept in a filtered tank.
3. they love plants. Their home land is in the marshes and rice paddy's in Asia so "soft hiding" a.k.a lots of plants is necessary.
4. DO NOT put two males together. They will fight to the death. there's a reason why they are called, Siamese fighting fish!
follow these simple instructions and you will have a wonderful and colorful pet for a long time.
 Dragon my Male betta. I name my betta fish after dragons usually
There is only one exception. My Female, Cherry. (the red one)



This fish is also known as a sucker fish, Pleco, & (a long name) Plecostomus. but it's correct name is Plecostomus. It eats algae, Dead plant material, and live plants sometimes. You also need to buy Algae wafers from a pet store most pet stores will carry them. they can live in cold water & warm water. they can be 12" long if you take good care of your Plecostomus. They also don't do good in warm tropical water.A Plecostomus does best in a cold water aquarium. 

My Plecostomus